Mickey Mouse SVG File

Here is a Mickey Mouse svg file, one of many svgs I will be sharing on my blog. I've included 2 photos with the file, one of Mickey colored, and one with him broken up and labeled with which color to cut with. You can make him any color you wish though, it's just there for a guide.

This is my first time making a svg file; please let me know if you have any problems. Enjoy and Happy Scrapping!

Mickey Mouse


  1. Love this svg of Mickey. I am learning myself to create svgs.

  2. HI!! I am trying to create a mickey mouse with SCAL, but I am unsure how to save a svg file to SCAL. Could you offer any pointers? THANKS!!! ( you have really cute ideas on your blog :)

  3. Ok, so I figured it out :) Thank you for sharing your file :) Now, do ya happen to have a minnie mouse the same way? (ha, ha, ha :) Really though, Thanks again for sharing your creativity!

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